Journalist suspended for thoughtless ambush

Mikey 6 comments
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Journalist suspended for thoughtless ambush

Last Sunday early morning 70-year-old James Walton shot and killed an intruder trying to break into his home, which is also his place of business. This might sound a little 'run of the mill' until you learn that this is the second time Walton has shot someone dead for breaking into his home in the past three weeks.

The police cleared Walton of any wrong doing, but it didn't stop a Fox 'news reporter' from ambushing the clearly shaken Walton. Rebecca Aguilar has since been suspended by Fox for her heartless ambush in which she confronted Walton with "Are you a trigger happy kind of person? Is that what what you wanted to do? Shoot to kill?"

Bearing in mind Aguilar knew the Police were satisfied with Walton's version of events that he had defended himself legally, ambushing a man who has been through life and death twice in three weeks is plain sad. Strangely, Aguilar was just days before named as one of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists Broadcast Journalists of the Year.

I had hoped to link to the original Fox news story and (which were both available), but Fox has since seen fit to censor bury the story.

The only video footage I can find of the incident is here. Be wary, it's a poorly produced piece and the sound the video the play is nearly nonexistent. Turn up the volume and be ready to turn it down again when it cuts back to the show hosts.

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Monday 22nd October 2007 | 08:38 AM

Fox news is a laughable, literally. I love it, I watch it constantly.

The O'Reily factor, the fundamentalist christian extremist who has an hour of bitching about how bad secular progressives and atheists are.

Fox and Friends does the same.

It is 'the spin zone'.

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Monday 22nd October 2007 | 12:05 PM

I have to agree 100%. What is is with Fox? Why are they such an obvious laughing stock? The bottom end of journalism? O'Reily is a twit.

He's the only person on the planet who would say that a boy who had been kidnapped and sexually abused by 2 men for months 'had it easy' because they didn't make him go to school.

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Monday 22nd October 2007 | 12:57 PM

My American inlaws (redneck northwesterers - hope they don't read this) use it as their cheif source for news. The news is not even slightly objective, every word is given a complete biast towards which ever cause they chose.

It is entertainment news, or news entertainment, certainly not strait news though.

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Monday 22nd October 2007 | 01:13 PM

Meh. Who cares. It's crap news. Most news is completely biased and crap. I have not watched Fox news, as we don't have it here in Australia but I doubt it's worse than "Today Tonight" or "A Current Affair", is it?

This is the exact kind of crap they do, on a nightly basis but there's no articles about them?

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Monday 22nd October 2007 | 01:28 PM

I would scale it close to being as bad as today tonight and ACA during the whole chepelle corby thing recently.

It's an entire channel on foxtel, ch607 or something close. They have round the clock news programs.

Not a Member!


Monday 22nd October 2007 | 01:45 PM

Jake: When referring to Fox news, you have to place the word 'news' in between quotes :-)" />

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