Behold! The Atheists Nightmare

Mikey 11 comments
Behold! The Atheists Nightmare

It's a slow news day for me, so I thought I would post a video that arrives in my inbox more times than I can remember, plus once more today.

Ray Comfort explains what he calls 'The Atheists Nightmare'. Based on what I will call 'banana theologism', he claims the humble banana proves God's existence.

According to Comfort, because the banana has the same amount of sides as a cupped human hand, has a non slip surface, has a biodegradable skin, and it's contents are curved towards the mouth, God must exist. Truly a work if genius.

In the interest of exploring both sides, here are some links both supporting and debunking Comfort's suggestions.

For: The Atheist Test
Against: (video)

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Wednesday 12th September 2007 | 11:17 AM

Don't monkey's eat bananas?

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Dr Fang

Wednesday 12th September 2007 | 12:09 PM

He got it wrong from the start. The banana doesn't have a 'tab'. Primates eat bananas with the 'tabbed' end downwards, and they don't peel the skin away, instead opting to squeeze the banana so that it's contents are protruded through the non-tabbed end (the weakest point).

But somehow I doubt he would let a little thing like that get in the way of his amazing demonstration.

I might add that a penis has a rounded shaft and a human mouth makes a round shape when it makes the sucking motion. Does this mean God meant us to have oral sex? Or for that matter, a sphincter is a round hole as well. I won't go there.

If you look around you could easily find plenty of instances of nature that can be interpreted as being design for humans.

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Wednesday 12th September 2007 | 03:39 PM

The christian point of view; the individual can not exist without god.
Atheist point of view; god can not exist without the individual.
Realist point of view; a book, a man and a specter make a great first line for a bar joke, beyond that, no absolute truth is absolute.

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Wednesday 12th September 2007 | 09:22 PM


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Thursday 13th September 2007 | 09:52 AM

Thanks for cheering me up Dr Fang! Your reasoning is as sound as it is humorous.

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Thursday 13th September 2007 | 10:15 PM

Quote From Doc FangI

I might add that a penis has a rounded shaft and a human mouth makes a round shape when it makes the sucking motion. Does this mean God meant us to have oral sex? Or for that matter, a sphincter is a round hole as well. I won't go there.

End Doc Fang Quote

So Doc fang are you telling me what I as a Christian can and cant do in my bed, with my wife, in private? (If we so chose to do those things) and you base this belief on what?

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Friday 14th September 2007 | 08:12 AM

Gilly, you can do what you like with your wife.. just remember that sodomy is a sin in your religion..

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Friday 14th September 2007 | 02:26 PM

You had better show me that in writing fella.

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Tuesday 15th January 2008 | 05:28 PM

That is the finniest thing i have seen all day. What comedy is that taken from?

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Tuesday 15th January 2008 | 07:15 PM

Sadly no, but I can understand why you thought it was a joke. Ray Comfort and his buddy Kirk Cameron are deadly serious about banana theology.

While it can be argued there may be some credible arguments for creationism out there, this demonstration is so laughable it must be an embarrassment even to those who take that position.

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Friday 6th November 2009 | 01:15 PM

This cant be serious. OMG is it.

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