Pastor pleads guilty to using own daughters as personal sex slaves

Mikey 16 comments
  • Crime
Pastor pleads guilty to using own daughters as personal sex slaves

A church paster who had regular sex with two of his daughters says he was not satisfying his own desires, but instead trying to educate them on how to be a good wife.

The sex occurred at several places, including a shed, a paddock, and on one occasion, at the girls' grandparents home.

Judge David Lovel sentenced the 54 year old fundamentalist church pastor to 8.5 years after he pleaded guilty.

"You said the acts were about learning about sex rather than engaging in the acts of sex. I do not accept that. You treated your daughters as your property ... using them to satisfy and gratify your sexual urges."

Full story.

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Monday 3rd September 2007 | 11:00 AM

I read this over the weekend, it is just deplorable.

What really shocked me was the last few words of the article: 'The pastor's wife and church community remain supportive'.

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Monday 3rd September 2007 | 12:28 PM

I cant see how a man who calls himself a Christian? could do that. A parents responsibility is to protect there children, not harm them, he is worse than a criminal.
I think there is a lot more to this story than what the SMH has reported. Anybody who could stand by this man and his actions is in need of serious mental help.

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Monday 3rd September 2007 | 12:58 PM

Sickening is the word. This is an appalling abuse of power as both a pastor and a father. The statement that wife and community are supporting him leads me to think that they might not know the extent of what he was charged with. I mean how could anyone forgive that? Poor girls I hope they are OK.

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Monday 3rd September 2007 | 12:59 PM

The man is clearly derranged. I can't even immagine any justification to blatantly violate a child in such a way, I don't any sain father could.

While it referenced some notions in the articles I read, I'm still looking for more information. I'd like to know what kind of conviluded and dillusional justification the man used to justify such a vile act on his own daughters.

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Monday 3rd September 2007 | 03:00 PM

My wife works as a psychologist and often sees victims of similar abuse (from the father). The odd thing is, she tells me it's very common for the mother to actually support the father, rather than her own child. I guess they just don't want to accept what has happened, or something? Pretty damn sad.

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Monday 3rd September 2007 | 05:24 PM

Still, the church community also backed him though...

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Monday 3rd September 2007 | 09:52 PM

bloody relgion!!!!!!!!!

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Monday 3rd September 2007 | 11:01 PM

Yeah sure blame religion for the bad actions of people.

So who do you blame when Rugby and AFL clubs cover up for and support rapist players? or when Scout masters do it?

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Tuesday 4th September 2007 | 08:33 AM

Andrew, while the guy used biblical justification for what he did, it was not the fault of the religion but of the individual.

His religion is no more responsible for this act than islam is for extremist suicide bomber.

Vary rarely it is interpretation of the text, more often it is dilusional conviluded idiots. More likely the man used the texts as a way to cover himself.

He is only getting 8 years in jail, and will no doubt be set free in 2-3... is that enough?

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Tuesday 4th September 2007 | 10:25 PM

would a normal father of an average family do the same thing?..i think not, there are a lot of relgious freaks out there who say it is what god would want and relgoius style cults. can rugby and football clubs fall into the same context?
this is a father having sex with his own daughters!!!!!

i do not agree with the football clubs in the cover up if that is what they try to do,there is a lot of money at stake in sport these days with sponsor ship and the likes.

scout masters,priests,(paedophiles)would fall into another catergory...

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Tuesday 4th September 2007 | 10:38 PM

"would a normal father of an average family do the same thing?..i think not"

In an ideal world no, but it does happen. It is unfair to say only someone with religious convictions could possibly do such a horrible thing. Maybe only someone with such a literal interpretation of the book would use it as a defence though.

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Tuesday 4th September 2007 | 10:59 PM

Yeah, I'm struggling to see how he can use "the book" as defence, though? On what grounds?

The only example which springs to mind is, which I guess is the one he is using, would be Lot? The thing is, he is not considered a good person, he's considered weak and full of bad traits and his offspring rise up against the Children of Israel... so how can he be used as justification of anything?

So a literal interpretation would be of no justification, either.

I think this guy's just a jerk, I'm afraid.

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Tuesday 4th September 2007 | 11:25 PM

a normal father in an average family would not do this, but sure there are fathers out there that do molest their daughters but are they normal?...i think not!!!!

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Wednesday 5th September 2007 | 08:23 AM

The endgame statement is; there is no excuse, reason, or justification for a father to take a child's innosence.

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Wednesday 5th September 2007 | 04:27 PM

The main problem (deservedly) is the position of trust and influence this man holds. The fact that he still hasnt accepted fault and his family/church hasnt either, indicates the severity of the problem.

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Sunday 18th January 2009 | 10:09 PM

Religion isn't an issue. The issue is a deranged man, gifted with an ability to influence people, who used his influence to twist others.
Charles Manson is a twisted individual who could tell people what they wanted to hear. Look what he convinced his "family" was reality.
The church and family being supportive suggests denial. "He couldn't have done that", or in the case of the wife, blind love and denial.
"He's such a wonderful man. He couldn't possibly do wrong". She is under his power of persuasion, or possibly in fear.
Many women with predatory spouses like that are afraid. They're afraid of losing their family. They're afraid of what will happen if they speak up or speak out against the actions of their spouse. They are usually people of low self-esteem, who see no future if anything happens, or something along those lines.

A simple explanation. This man has talked people into thinking he can do no wrong, and possibly his wife doesn't want the "family" to be broken apart.
The children may be under his influence to the point that they think "He loves us, so he must have a good reason for what he does. He has to be right".

People who claim a religious excuse for such an act are usually not truly religious. They twist religion to suit their motives, and when it comes time to defend themselves in the eyes of rationality, they fail to convince people who know that is NOT what religion is about. They twist religion to fit what they want, what they believe, but others see that the religion does not excuse what they do, simply because they attempt to twist religion to fit their own irrational belief or desire.

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