Former White House spokesman instructed to lie

Mikey 5 comments
Former White House spokesman instructed to lie

According to The National Expositor, former White House spokesman Scott McClellan is about to go public (officially) with everything the American public had always suspected.

McClellan says he lied for a living, and furthermore was specifically instructed to do so by the likes of President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove.

Full story at The National Expositor.

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Monday 26th November 2007 | 07:16 PM

While I don't doubt they all lie, all the time and do it knowingly... isn't the National Expositor a tabloid of the "Aliens took my baby!" ilk?

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Joe Marco

Monday 26th November 2007 | 08:44 PM

Five bucks says that McClellan ends up dead before he goes 'public', if not his body, at least his credibility. Five Bucks?? anyone?

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Monday 26th November 2007 | 11:29 PM

We can race him against Kasperov...

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Tuesday 27th November 2007 | 09:22 AM

How bloody irrelivant can you get?

All of the critics of the current administration are non voters... I've met them... they've got opinions about everything, they are the worlds most concientious critics of governments they refuse to vote out!

Now, I'm no Bush administration fan, in fact I'm the biggest advocate for having his picture put under the definition of ignoramus in the newest Funk & Wagner, but if any of this 'new information' actually gets out there, the voting public will understand that the president needed to 'do certain things to keep the American people safe' (which was to keep them ignorant or blatently lie to them) and the rest of the non voteing public will boo and hiss, and let another republican douche bag get ellected because they are too chicken to vote.

Nuf said!

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Joe Marco

Tuesday 27th November 2007 | 04:25 PM

Jake, don't generalize, some of us Yankees do vote, and there is quite an effort to mobilize more voters to actually take a stand. We did this last time, voting out the Republicans out of Congress, but to no avail, they themselves are the 'Chickens', (the newly elected democrats that is)

Granted, who knows what is to come this next election, but so far all signs point to a democrat president.

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